
There are 3 different Mykinda Info programs. The name of each program is as follows: LOAN, SAVING and TRAVERSE

LOAN runs the data shown in:

Finanancial Loan Demo1

Finanancial Loan Demo2


SAVING runs the data shown in:

Financial Investment Saving Demo1

Financial Investment Saving Demo2

Mykinda Timber Saving Investment Demo3A

TRAVERSE runs the data shown in:

Mykinda Traverse Tracts Demo1

Mykinda Traverse Hwy Curves Demo1

Mykinda Traverse Excavation

Mykinda Traverse Speed Check

Mykinda Info provides, as shown above, each of the 3 Programs.

If you have an interest or a question, call me at 316-644-7838 or send me an Email, subject Mykinda Info, to

Thanks, I am proud of my Programs. I think you would find them useful also. The Loan Program is just about essential to me as a way to analyze various interest rates and ARM mortgages when borrowing money or refinancing a mortgage.
