
Financial Loan Demo1

Mykinda Financial Software demonstrates how to optimize savings when refinancing a loan. (After viewing this video, if other videos are not desired, use the Esc button and scroll or tap the HOME menu)

Financial Loan Demo1 (Optimize Loan Refinancing)

Explain Mykinda Timber Saving Investment Demo3A (Timber Investment Management)

Mykinda Timber Saving Investment Demo3A (Timber Investment Management)

Financial Loan Demo2 (Optimize Loan Refinancing)

Mykinda Saving Investments Demo1A, Demo2A

Mykinda Saving software, demonstrates how to analyze and optimize investment savings. (After viewing this video, if other videos are not desired, use the Esc button and scroll or tap the HOME menu)

Mykinda Investment Savings Demo1A

Mykinda Saving Investments Demo2A

Mykinda Traverse Excavation Demo

Mykinda Traverse Excavation software, MykindaTR, demonstrates how to calculate roadway or driveway excavation from roadway station elevations and cross sections. (After viewing this video, if other videos are not desired, use the Esc button and press the Back Arrow <- to return to the Mykinda.org Tab)

Mykinda Traverse Tracts Demo1 (Demonstrates Land Area Surveys)

Mykinda Traverse Hwy Curves Demo2 (Calculates Highway Curves)

Mykinda Traverse Excavation (Calculates Roadway Cut and Fill)

Mykinda Traverse Speed Check (Demonstrates Speed Energy Effect)

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